Tutorial! Baggy knitted hat

Hey hey, second tutorial for us, first tutorial on knitting, so happy :)
Today we are going to tell you a little bit about the making of this super warm and good looking knitted hat.

Wool: 1 skein of medium wool or yarn is enough

Knitting needles: Nº8 (latinamerican size, think it represents mm, here I found a cool conversions chart http://www.yarnfwd.com/main/needleconv.html)

Time: completely proportional to your experience. In my case, after knitting more than 20 hats in one month, my record is 4 hours. Practice, practice, practice! 

If you would to learn how to knit your own accesories from scratch, we might be uploading some videos showing some basic and not that basic things.

SO, if you already know some basic stuff and just want to have the "map" of what I did, here it is. I started with 52 stitches, starting on the left bottom of what would be the final rectangle (yep, this hat is made out of a rectangle)

(knit stitch=1, purl stitch=0)

0011001111111100110011111111001100111111110011001100 (started here)

So that was the first row. This row belongs to the right side of the piece, the second row would be the inside of the hat. On second row you just knit following the stitches, same with the rest of the "inside" rows. Fun is on the right side because, as you can see, this hat's got "mini-braids" and tree thick braids all along. 

Mini braids: I call them "mini" because they are just made of two stitches, different from the thick ones that have eight stitches. These you have to swap everytime you go through a right-side row.

Thick braids: I swap stitche every 14 or 16 rows on the right side, depending on how "loose" or compact you want your braids. In my case I did 16 rows. 

Length, "are we there yet?"
In my case I basically tried it around my head to decide whether to stop or continue. I did aprox. 78 rows, but it depends on how tight or loose you knit, if you want a loose or fit hat, etc, so I recommend to "try it on" when you think you are near. I don't recommend over-knitting thougth, it's harder to undo. 

The result looks like this:

Closing: there are different ways of finishing, I'll show you mine in a video along with the other basic things about knitting.

Now, how come this rectangle turns into a hat-shaped hat and not a squared hat? Simple. When you fold it, you'll have to sew two edges (don't forget to sew it on the inside and not on the right side!). I did it with the same yarn string that remained from the beginning. The only thing you have to do is to make sure you pucker both edges. Finish with a couple of strong knots, turn it over, and it's ready to wear. 

Your questions are very welcome!

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